with people asking about the bags and i'm taking orders.. maybe i should create another blog specialise in selling my handmade products. what do you think?
i wish i could sew 5 bags a day.. but though i'm a fulltime housewife, the house work never ends especially when you still have small kids to care. my hubby supported my new found passion (that is sewing bags).. and he even promote my work. i am a very quiet low profile type of person and when he shows my blog to his friends.. arghh malunya...
kak haida, a separate blog shop is a good idea. your work is beautiful, you should be proud of yourself, not everyone have the passion, will and tenacity to make all those you've created. show it to the world i say! god luck to kak haida! *hugs*
zura!! hugs to you too. tq for everything. i mean it.
i think its better to have everythings in one blog. Senang. Just put a space or column where people boleh buat order. So org tak payah bukak byk2 blog. Maybe for certain people like me (i said like me ok...)akan jadi leceh dan menyusahkan.
anyway i like this blog so much. All i can say is...you are very creative! Congratulations
hello anonymous.. kenapa sorok2 nih.. :-)
thank you for your suggestion.. i will reconsider. ni nak kena renovate rumah nih.. hehe
bukan sorok2 tapi nak cepat tadi...so mana yg senang ajer...quite busy today but masih sempat menjengah kat blog u ni ;)....agak lama jugak i follow blog u ni.
salam haida...suke tgk hasil keje haida....jeles gak ni....saya pn ingat nk buat beg tp bkn nk jual la...utk kegunaan sendiri & anak2 je....tgh belajar...pas ni haida wat la label...baru la nampak serius skit...pendapat saya tk yah buat byk2 blog sbb kdg2 org malas nk jenguk merata...(saye la tu..hehehe..) klu blh sume ada setempat...tp kena well organize le...senang utk haida & senang utk customer...ini pendapat saya je la...hehehe...tahniah...semoga bertambah maju pas ni....
aini.. lama tak meninggalkan jejak kat sini kan. jeles jgn tak jeles.. hehe. mehlah start menjahit. dah kemas bilik jahitan kan.. :-)
nak jugak buat label yang bagi nampak professional sikit tapi nantilah.. aini designkan boleh? hehe
salam sis..nak tanya..berapa harga beg ni sebijik kalo naktempah ye?
hi anonymous..
email kat saya ye for the price quote. tq
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